Monday, 18 April 2016


Its very easy to pack up and leave a sinking ship, after all, its a sinking ship so who cares? But what if the ship is your dreams? Most of the billionaires, millionaires and immensely successful people we see around however never pack up and leave when times get rainy, and the weather is gloomy, no. The reason they are as successful is not because they are from mars or Neptune, its because at a point on time, they deciplined themselves, they believed in themselves, they believed in their dreams and they went after it with a positive attitude. Sure enough, hard times came, but it didn't kill their spirits.

A view of our Planet Earth from the moon
Never let a little discouragement pull you down, instead, make a conscious decision to see the good in every situation.  At regular points in life, its good to sit back, relax and assess yourself, ask questions like; What is unique about me? What type of person am I? Do I see my projects to the end? Do I give excuses? What are my strengths? What are my dreams? Am I really doing what I love doing? Do I blame others for what happens in my life? Do I take responsibility of my life? You see, it is always good to asses our lives, get a clear picture. What most people do not know is, they are creating their lives through their thoughts, feelings and actions. You are as powerful as deciding what happens in your life. That's why its always good to see the positive sides of things. You see, if you have a dream, go for it, don't even think about the worst case scenario, how about the best case scenario?Most people choose to see the human mind as insatiable, but none yet knows the limit of what the human mind can achieve. Someone created the Internet, electricity, bridges, sky scrapers, and mobile phones, we are that blessedblessed, ans its not about being intelligent, thats why most big world achievers are school dropouts, its all about the will.
When USA President John.F.Kennedy asked Werner Von Braun what it would take to put a man on the moon by the end of the century, Van Braun answered simply:

"The will to do it."

This is true of anything we wish to accomplish... and chances are  that what you are looking for is not quite as complicated as putting a man on the moon...!

If the desire is there, the will is in there, the way is there too. And, "where there's
a will, there's a way." Stand up today and have the will, the way will show up!
And yeah, did you know that according to research, the best way to end world hunger is by educating girls in rural areas? Its important to be rich so we can do that.

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